This article is for faculty who would like to create a meeting using the Zoom integration tool in Canvas.
Article Overview
1. Access Zoom
The Zoom link can be found in the Course Navigation Menu to the left in Canvas.
If the Zoom link is not present, go to the Course Navigation menu, choose Settings, and make sure Zoom is enabled
If you have disabled your browser's cookies or if you are using an incognito window, you will get a redirect message and a link. Click on the link to access your Zoom meetings page.
2. Schedule Your Meeting
The blue button for Schedule a New Meeting is in the upper-left corner of the page.
3. Choose Meeting Settings
3.1 Title Your Meeting
The default meeting topic will be your course's title. This can be edited.
3.2 Choose When Your Meeting Will Be
Enter the start date and time for your meeting. If you know how long it will last, you can add Duration. Don't worry if you meeting goes longer than this time.
3.3 Choose How Often You Will Meet
If you are creating a meeting that will happen every week, check Recurring meeting. Choose No Fixed Time to create a link that will be used for every class. You can also use the link for office hours and student conferencing.
4. Choose Security Settings
If you would like students to register with an email address, you can require Registration. Their names will be visible when they first join the meeting.
Students will be able to use a personal or school email address to register.
For added security, you can create your own passcode. Be sure to let your students know what it is.
Add a waiting room to have control over when students can join your meeting.
If you would like your students to sign into a Zoom account before they join your meeting, you can select Only authenticated users can join meetings.
Students will be able to sign into their personal Zoom accounts to access your meeting.
5. Choose Meeting Entry Settings
By default, your and your participants' videos are off. If you are concerned about noise, you can also Mute participants upon entry.
By default, participants can join your meeting before you do. Uncheck Enable join before host if you want more control over when students join your meeting. Early students will get the message Waiting for the host to start this meeting.
6. Record Your Meeting
You can record your meetings by checking Record the meeting automatically and specifying where you would like the recording to be stored. Participants will be informed that the meeting is being recorded when they join.
Only save a recording on a local computer if you can ensure that others cannot access your meeting recordings.
Zoom recordings stored in the cloud will be available to you from the Zoom integration tab in your Canvas course. You can make your Zoom Cloud recordings available to your students using Panopto after you have added Panopto to your course. Consider recording a test Zoom meeting to your cloud to make sure that Panopto is fully integrated with Zoom.
If you are teaching a HIPAA compliant course, you will not have Zoom Cloud Recordings.
7. Add an Alternative Host
Add the email addresses of people who will help lead your meetings. Only those with email addresses can be added as an alternative host.
8. Save Your Settings
Click save at the bottom of your page to save your settings.
Zoom will generate an ID and link for your new meeting.
9. Create a Meeting Link for Office Hours
You may wish to hold Zoom office hours that are not course specific. Follow the steps below to create a Zoom meeting that is not course specific.
1.1 Sign into the CSUEB Zoom Portal
Click: , (1) click SIGN IN.
Enter your NetID and password.
9.2 Create a Meeting
Click on the Meetings tab.
Click on + Schedule a Meeting.
(1) Give your meeting a title. (2) Choose Recurring meeting and (3) select No Fixed Time. To make your office hours FERPA compliant, (4) use a waiting room so that students from different courses don't join at the same time.
Scroll down and click Save.
Get the link for the meeting by clicking on the invitation.
Scroll down to find the Zoom link and ID. You can copy the entire invitation or you can copy the Zoom link.
Consider including your office hours link on your syllabus on your Canvas course. If you would like to add a course link, use the redirect tool.
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