This article is for faculty who need to locate a course migrated from Blackboard to Canvas and import migrated content into another Canvas course.
Article Overview
1. Locate Your Migrated Course
Many recent Blackboard courses were migrated to Canvas. These will contain your course content, including your syllabus and announcements. They will not contain your past enrollments.
To view a migrated Blackboard course, click on the Courses tab on the Canvas Global Navigation Menu. Then choose All Courses to see courses from a completed term. Courses that were migrated from Blackboard will show up under All Courses.

Scroll down to Past Enrollments to find your migrated course. Look for Blackboard Term (Migrated Course).
This course is available to you in Canvas. Click on the link to view migrated course content.
Contact [email protected] if you do not see your course.
The rest of the article will focus on importing course content into a Target Course from the Migrated Course.
Make sure you have opened the Target Course, the course that you would like to import content into, when continuing on with the next section.
2. Select the Import Course Content Tool
2.1. Navigate to the Course's Settings in Your Target Course
The Settings tab can be found at the bottom on the course navigation menu on the left.

2.2. Locate the Import Course Content Tab
Find the Import Course Content tab on the right side of the page under Course Settings.

3. Choose a Course
3.1. View the Content Types
Click on the Content Type drop down menu.

3.2. Choose Copy a Canvas Course
Choose the option to Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type drop down menu.

3.3. Choose a Course to Import
Use the Search for a course drop down menu to find and select the course you would like to import. To find a migrated Course, type the course number. A migrated course will have Blackboard Term (Migrated Courses) underneath it.
3.4. Specify Content to Copy
Choose Select specific content.

3.5. (Optional) Adjust Events and Due Dates
Check Adjust events and due dates. Next to Date adjustment, choose Shift dates to get rough dates for your assignments. Enter the start of the previous semester for Beginning date and the start of the new semester for change to. Enter the end of the previous semester for Ending date and the end of the new semester for change to.
Canvas will assign new dates for your assignments if you choose to shift dates. These dates will be distributed between the beginning and end dates. Correct the estimated dates for all of your assignments once the course content is imported.

3.6. Import
Click the blue Import button at the bottom of the screen.

4. Choose Course Content to Import
4.2. Choose Content to Import
Check the content that you wish to import. You can do this by checking a content category. Choose individual items by clicking on the arrow on the left of its category. Then click on the Select Content button.
Consider leaving Course Settings unchecked because of the Blackboard migration elements.
5. Check Import Issues
When the course has been imported, you will see the text Completed next to the import date. If the course was imported successfully, the notification will be green. If Canvas caught any import problems, the notification will be orange and you will see a link to a list of issues.
Check any images and links that Canvas flags as an issue to make sure that they are still functional.
6. Check Imported Course Content
Note that all Blackboard Course Content Areas' content will be located now in Canvas Modules. (These include our former "Start Here," "Syllabus," "Course Materials," and other areas added to build and present content and activities.) The Canvas menu items have preset names and functions.
Check your course content thoroughly to make sure it is fully intact. Move through the Modules to locate all instructional content and assignments. Check the Rubrics link to make sure your rubrics have migrated over.
The images below show Course Materials in a Blackboard course and the Modules page for the migrated version of this course in Canvas. The Blackboard course has a separate folder for weekly materials whereas the migrated course has all materials in one large Module: Course Materials. These will need to be reorganized into your own module format.
In the Canvas course, (1) Week 1 may look like a separate area, but it is not a module; it was imported as a text header inside the (2) Course Materials module.

Canvas uses Modules instead of Content Folders to organize course content. When Blackboard courses are migrated to Canvas, most course materials will appear in one large module. Learn how to create modules to organize your course content here.
Check any assignments made using 3rd party (LTI) tools. It is recommended that these be recreate each term. Examples of 3rd party tools are Turnitin, GoReact, LinkedIn, and some publisher resources.

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