This video is for faculty who would like to add Panopto videos to their courses.
1. Add Panopto Video to a Page
Panopto videos can be added to a page or assignment as an embedded video within the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE). This means students can view the video alongside text and other content an instructor has added using the RCE. In this example, we will add a Panopto video to a page. View this article to learn about adding a Panopto video to an assignment.
1.1. Create a Page
Use the course navigation menu to access Pages.

Click on the View All Pages button at the top of the page.

1.2. Create a New Page
Click on the +Page button on the top right corner to add a page.

[1] Add a title. [2] If needed, add explanation or directions in the Rich Content Editor. In this example, we will add our Panopto video below the directions.

1.3. Add a Panopto Video to the Page
If you are using a previously recorded Panopto Video, make sure that you have allowed students access to it. See Section 1.3.3 to access an individual video's settings or Section 3 to access multiple videos' settings.
1.3.1. Access Content from the Panopto Video Button
Click on the Panopto button on the Rich Content Editor (RCE).

1.3.2. Add a Panopto Video
Choose a video. If you do not see your video, click on the dropdown menu and choose Everything.

Click on the green Insert button at the bottom right corner of the window.
1.3.3. Check Your Video's Access Settings
The video will be embedded into the page's Rich Content Editor (RCE). Check the video's settings by clicking on the diagonal arrow at the bottom of the video.
This will open a new tab with your video. Click on the settings gear at the upper right corner of the page.

Click on the [1] Share tab and the [2] Change link below to Who can access this video to change your sharing settings.
Choose Public (unlisted).

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page if you want to continue working on this page. Click Save and Publish if you are ready for students to access the video.

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