This article is for Faculty who import past enrolled courses into upcoming term course shells and want to bulk update their availability dates across all assignments in Canvas' Assignments tab in course navigation.
Article Overview
1. Access the Assignments Tab in an Imported Course
1.1. Navigate to the Course's Assignments tab.
The Assignments tab can be found in the Course Navigation to the left in Canvas.

2. Choose Edit Assignment Dates
2.1. Select the three dot kebab in the upper right corner
Choose the Edit Assignment Dates option with the pencil icon.

3. View and Edit Assignment Dates
3.1. Select and edit availability dates across multiple assignments at once.
Canvas allows faculty to edit the due, available from and until dates and times in each cell.
If you are seeing your Edit Assignment Dates page as one column as shown below, you may need to adjust your browser's zoom view. In Google Chrome, select the three-dot kebab in the upper right hand corner, then toggle the zoom display down until you can see the Title, Due at, Available from, and Until columns at the same time.
3.2. Select All Assignment Dates
Select the checkbox to the left of the Title heading to select all assignments. Notice the total number of assignments 135 in (the image below) are selected. The Batch Edit button is now selectable.
3.3. Select Specific Assignment for Batch Edit
Additionally, faculty can select Module specific assignments to batch shift or remove due dates and assignment availability dates. Choose assignments that you want to Batch edit which belong to the same unit, chapter, or module by selecting the check box to the left of the name.
Choose the Batch Edit button.

Choose whether to Shift Dates.

Or choose to Remove Due and/or Availability Dates. Select Ok to save changes.

Enter your new dates and availability times in to the assignment cells. The cells do support copy and paste functions for quicker date changes.
Select Save at the top right to update your dates changes.

View the Assignment dates saved successfully message top of screen to verify your changes.
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