CSUEB Online Tools Help

Create a Turnitin Assignment in Canvas

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This article is for faculty who want to set up a gradable Turnitin assignment that students can submit to in Canvas.

1. Create an Assignment

Select the course in which you would like to create your assignment.

From the left-hand navigation, select Modules. The Modules tab can be found in the Course Navigation to the left in Canvas.

Canvas Menu with Modules selected

Select the + Module button and enter a name for the module in the box provided.

Modules in Canvas with an arrow pointing to the + Module button

Choose the module to add the assignment to and click the plus symbol to the right of that module.

Modules in Canvas with an arrow pointing to the plus symbol

 Choose to add an Assignment and Create Assignment. Give the new assignment a name and finally Add Item.

Assisignments drop-down menu with create assignements selected

2.  Change the Assignment Submission Type to Online

 Open the assignment by clicking on its name inside of the module. Next, edit the assignment by clicking on the Edit button on the top right.

In the assignement with an arrow pointing to the edit button

Choose Online as the submission type by clicking on the dropdown box, and then choose Text Entry or File Uploads (or both). Next, choose the number of submission attempts you want to give to your students.

Submission type dropdown and online option

If you want to ensure that students are submitting file in which Turnitin can generate a similarity report, choose to Restrict Upload File Types to readable text files such as pdf, doc, docx, pptx, etc.

3.  Modify Assignment Settings for Turnitin

Select Turnitin from the Plagiarism Review drop-down menu.

Plagiarism Review drop-down menu and Turnitin option

Choose to store papers in the repository or not, choose to which repositories you want to compare the submissions, choose to exclude the bibliography, quoted material, translated matching (if enabled), and small sources as needed.

Choose options as needed

Choose to add e-rater spelling and grammar suggestions to the submissions.

All categories selected

  Choose if you would like to Save these settings as default settings and when you want to show the originality report to students.

"Save as defult settings" selected

Choose if this is going to be a Group Assignment, if you want to use Canvas Peer Review, and if you want to enable Anonymous Grading.

Assign this to Everyone or Everyone Else to ensure the due date is reflected in Turnitin. Choose a Due Date, Available from date, and an Until date as needed.

Assign to Everyone

It is best practice to enter in a due date for collusion check to occur. On the due date of the assignment, all submissions are compared against one another to check for collusion.  

Select Save and publish to publish this assignment. Select Save to save the assignment.


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