This article is for Faculty and Staff who need to add users to and remove users from self-maintained Canvas Organizations.
Article Overview
1. Visiting an Organization
Find an Organization by going to the Canvas Dashboard and viewing your active courses. Organizations in Canvas are equivalent to Courses, with extra permissions for Teachers in self-maintained organizations.

If the Organization is unpublished, it will appear below active courses. It will be available to Teachers (Leaders), but it will not be visible to Students (Participants).
Canvas Organizations have the same features as Canvas courses:
- Home
- Announcements
- Modules
- Discussions
- People
- Google Drive
On the Modules page, there are tips for adding content and customizing a Canvas Organization.
2. Adding Users to an Organization
To add users, go to the People link.

Select the + People button.
If the + People button is not available, you may not have the correct Role to add participants, or enrollments from the org may be connected to PeopleSoft data. Enrollments for all Majors Organizations are connected to PeopleSoft enrollment data and the option to add people will not be available to Teachers.
In the Add People window, choose how to add users. It is possible to add users by email address, Login ID or SIS ID.

Email Address: An email address for an individual can change, so this is not recommended as a method for adding a user to an org.
Login ID: This is the same as a CSUEB NetID.
SIS ID: This is the same as a CSUEB EmplID.
(1) Select Add users(s) by, (2) enter the users' information (using commas to separate users if multiple users are being added at one time), (3) select the Role, and (4) select Next. In the example below, two students are being added using their Login IDs (NetIDs).
Only users with the Teacher role have the ability to add or remove participants. Use the TA role if you want to add an Organization Leader who can send messages and modify content without being able to add/remove other users.

In the next window, review the information for the users and select Add Users.

The users will appear on the People page with a pending message.

When the Organization is Published, users see the option to accept the invitation from the Canvas dashboard.
After accepting the invitation, the Organization will appear on students' dashboards along with their courses.

3. Removing Users from an Organization
It is a best practice to remove students or staff from an Organization when no longer with the university.
To remove a user, go to the People link in the navigation menu.

Select the three-dot kebab menu next to the user to be removed. Select Remove From Course.
Confirm this action by selecting OK.

A message confirming that the user was removed will appear at the top of the People page, and the user will no longer appear on the People page.

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