This article is for Faculty who need to view and understand how their students will experience their homepages, modules, assignments, discussions, pages, Classic, and New Quizzes in Canvas by selecting either, Student View and initiating the course's Test Student, or selecting Preview in Classic or New Quizzes. Every section will begin with a YouTube clip to illustrate and contrast exclusive features in faculty view, then compare views to the student experience and functionality in each section of Canvas.
- Canvas recommends faculty use Preview in New Quizzes because Test Student attempts in New Quizzes cannot be reset and will affect analysis reports.
Article Overview
1.1. Observe Your Homepage as a Faculty Member
Faculty are able to see: (1) all course navigation links, (2) seven buttons for course management in the upper right-hand corner, and (3) a To Do list with student submissions for faculty to grade.
Looking at the screenshot above in faculty view, note that students will not ever be able to see the following course navigation links : Item Banks, Attendance, New Analytics, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Ally Course Accessibility Report, Rubrics, Outcomes, and Settings. Read Customizing Your Course Navigation Links to learn how to organize and enable/disable course navigation links in your Canvas courses.
1.2. Select the Student View Button in the Upper Right Corner

1.3. Observe Your Home Page in Student View
In Student View, Faculty are able to see: (1) only course navigation links made available for students, (2) three buttons to view course information in the upper right-hand corner, and (3) a To Do list with upcoming assignments, discussions, and quizzes for students to complete for credit.
Note in the above screenshot in Student View mode, faculty will see a purple perimeter and bar at the bottom of the screen. Select the Leave Student View button in the lower right corner to exit student view.
2.1. Observe Your Modules Area as a Faculty Member
Faculty are able to see:
- (1) dots to click and drag items in the module and modules themselves to organize, (green lines indicate content is published),
- (2) the View Progress button which, when selected shows student progress, the + Module button, when clicked allows faculty to create more modules, and the three dot kebab, when selected allows faculty to add favorite items from Canvas Commons.
- In (3), dark green checkmarks for the module and some of its items which denotes content that is published, the gray circle with a slash inside denotes content that is not published, faded green checkmarks display for content that is published and cannot be unpublished because students have already submitted. The three dot kebab, when selected allows faculty to: Edit, Move, Send and Copy to.
- The (4) Collapse All button, when selected allows faculty to collapse all modules in the modules area. Selecting the name of the module in the gray module bar, or any negative space in a gray module bar will collapse that module.
Note in the screenshot above the Mod 1 Readings is unpublished as evidenced by no green line on the left side and a gray circle with a slash through it on the right side. The unpublished items in a published module will not display for students until faculty select the gray circle with a slash through it to publish.
2.2. Select the Student View Button in the Upper Right Corner

2.3. Observe Your Modules Area in Student View
In Student View in the Modules area, faculty will only see published content
Notice that
- (1) hovering a cursor over an item shows if it is content that is linked (with an underline); in this case, it is a link to the submission page for Pre-assignment #2. Notice in
- (2) the Mod 1 Readings that appeared between lecture assessment #2 and Discussion #2 above in 2.1 faculty view, is missing from student view because the item was not published.
- (3) The Collapse All button, when selected allows students to collapse all modules in the modules area. Selecting the name of the module in the gray module bar, or any negative space in a gray module bar will collapse that module.
Note in the above screenshot in Student View mode, faculty will see a purple perimeter and bar at the bottom of the screen. Select the Leave Student View button in the lower right corner to exit Student View.
3.1. Select an Assignment from a Module in Faculty View
Open the assignment by clicking on its name inside of the module.

3.2. Observe Your Assignment as a Faculty Member
As faculty you will view assignments notably by seeing
- (1) Either the Published or unpublished button, Edit button when selected allows faculty to edit assignment settings, and SpeedGrader, when selected takes faculty to the course Gradebook to grade student submissions for this specific assignment.
- (2) A current set of assignment settings, and a + Rubric button to attach an assessment rubric for the assignment.
3.3. Select the Student View Button in the Upper Right Corner

3.4. Observe Your Assignment in Student View
In student view inside an assignment (set to file uploads as the submission type) faculty will see
- (1) the assignment instructions
- (2) the red Upload button is selected by default (because faculty set this assignment to accept specific file types). Students and faculty (in student view mode) can select the rocketship or drag an accepted file type into the perforated box to submit.
Go ahead and test out the student submission experience in Student View by clicking the rocketship and selecting a document, or by dragging a document into the perforated box.

The file shows as being attached with (1) the name of the file and a green checkmark. Selecting the trashcan icon allows users to delete the upload and submit again before selecting submit assignment. Select the (2) Submit Assignment button to submit an assignment for Test Student in the Gradebook.
Canvas displays confetti when selecting Submit Assignment.
The (1) submission shows up in the assignment page for the Test Student (in Student View). Notice the (2) Submit Assignment button is faded out and won't allow another submission (this assignment was set to one attempt). Select (3) the Leave Student View button at bottom right to return to faculty view.
3.5. Select SpeedGrader from the Upper Right Corner of Your Assignment
Canvas allows faculty to submit work to assignments as Test Student. Submitting to an assignment in Student View in a course will initiate that course's Test Student.
SpeedGrader opens to the Test Student submission. Selecting (1) the student's name (upper right) expands a drop down menu of your class roster. Grayed out names have not submitted. Students with an orange circle have submitted, and their submissions are viewable by choosing a name from the drop down. (2) Select the name of the assignment (upper left corner) to return to that assignment's submission page. (3) Select the checkbox icon to go to the Gradebook.
To learn more about how students submit assignments in Canvas, read Submitting Assignments in Canvas.
4.1. Select a Discussion from a Module in Faculty View
Open the discussion by clicking on its name inside of the module.

4.2. Observe the Discussion in Faculty View
In faculty view, selecting the three dot kebab in the upper right corner allows faculty several options. Notice that Show Rubric is displayed. In this example, a faculty member has provided a rubric to students to see how they will be assessed. Selecting Show Rubric will display the rubric as a pop up in the middle of the screen. Faculty can select the Publish button and set the discussion to an unpublished status as long as there are no replies. Selecting the Edit button allows faculty to configure discussion settings.
Note the view above shows the Discussion with the Discussions/Announcements Redesign feature preview disabled. Faculty can select Settings in Course Navigation > select Feature Options > and either enable or disable the redesign by selecting the green checkmark or red x icon, whichever is showing. View this article with steps about How to use the discussion redesign.
4.3. Observe Your Discussion in Student View
Select the Student View button in the upper right corner of the discussion.

In student view, when the users select the three dot kebab in the upper right corner, it will display an option to View a Rubric (if faculty attached one); if not, selecting the three dot kebab will show the option to Mark All as Read. The user can click into the Reply box at the bottom to enter a text submission. This discussion is set to only show peer replies to those who have first contemplated the prompt and posted first.
To learn more about the student view of Canvas discussion boards with the Discussions/Announcements Redesign feature preview enabled read Preparing to Post a Text Reply to a Discussion in Canvas. To learn how to enable or disable the Discussions/Announcements Redesign feature preview in your course, see this article about How to use the discussion redesign. Keep in mind, that enabling/disabling the discussion redesign feature affects all the discussions in your course.
5.1. Select a Page from a Module in Faculty View
Open the page by clicking on its name inside of the module.

Selecting (1) the three dot kebab (upper right corner) allows faculty various options shown below. Selecting the Edit button allows faculty to enter text, course and/or external links, and embed videos with Panopto. Selecting the Publish button will unpublish the page. Choosing the (2) View All Pages button takes faculty to the pages section of the course.
5.2. Observe Your Page in Student View
Select the Student View button in the upper right corner of the page.

In student view, users are able to read text, select links if any are provided, watch videos, and select (1) the Immersive Reader tool in the upper right corner to read all text contained within a page. Users can select (2) the Previous or Next buttons to review or advance through the module's content.
In order for your students to access the page in your Canvas course, you must add it to a published module. See the screenshot below section 2.1 Observe Your Homepage as a Faculty Member. To learn more about making your course content available for your students via modules, watch the video and read the article about Setting up your Canvas Course Layout with Modules.
6.1. Select a Classic Quiz from a Module to Preview its Settings
Open a Classic Quiz (white rocket ship) by clicking on its name inside of the module.
6.2. Choose the Preview Button at the Top or Bottom of the Screen
The Classic Quiz engine in Canvas allows faculty to select (1) Preview from the main quiz page at the top or bottom of the screen. In the upper right-hand corner are buttons for (2) SpeedGrader to easily grade submissions, and (3)Moderate This Quiz to add student accommodations.
6.3. Take the Classic Quiz
The Classic Quiz functions with the settings you set for it in the Edit window. Notice that Canvas (1) displays a message that this is a preview of the published quiz. This preview will not affect the Gradebook for this quiz. Taking it in Preview mode is the best way to understand how students will experience your quiz. Note that this quiz is (2) set to show one question at a time, has a (3) time limit, and allows students to skip around by selecting the question number in the upper right corner or by selecting the (4) previous or next buttons beneath the question being displayed. Entering an answer will turn the Next button red, and questions answered show a checkmark in the upper right-hand list. Selecting the (5) Submit Quiz button will end the quiz and display the results based on how the faculty member set up the quiz.
6.4. Review the Classic Quiz Results
This quiz was set to show correct answers immediately, if faculty don't want students to see answers right after taking the classic quiz, faculty should de-select this option in the edit panel of the quiz, or select a later date to release correct answers.

To learn more about editing classic quizzes in Canvas, watch the video and read the article section called Editing a Classic Quiz .
7.1. Select a New Quiz from a Module to Preview its Settings
Open the New Quiz (green rocket ship) by clicking on its name inside of the module.
7.2. Scroll to the Bottom and Select Build
(1) Scroll to the bottom of the page, then (2) select the build button to continue.

7.3. Choose the Preview Button at Top Right of the Screen
The New Quiz engine in Canvas allows faculty to select (1) Preview from the top right corner of the screen. Access both (2) Settings to easily configure quiz parameters and (3) Moderate to add student accommodations from the top left-hand section of the New Quiz options.
7.4. Take the New Quiz
The New Quiz functions with the options you chose for it in the Settings tab. Notice that Canvas (1) displays a purple preview bar at the bottom of the published quiz. This preview will not affect the Gradebook for this quiz. Taking it in Preview mode is the best way to understand how students will experience your quiz. Note that this quiz is (2) set to show one question at a time. The (3) Time Remaining counter displays an analog clock when selecting the chevron at right. In this example, students can skip around by selecting the (4) previous or next buttons beneath the question being displayed.
The blue Submit button displays when you reach the last question in the quiz. Selecting the Submit button will end the quiz and display the results based on how the faculty member set up the quiz.
The New Quiz will prompt you with a pop-up if you have not answered all the questions. Faculty (in preview mode) and students can select Cancel and answer the unanswered question(s) if faculty have enabled backtracking on the New Quiz.
After answering all the questions in the New Quiz, users are prompted to Confirm Submission. Select the Submit button to end the quiz.

7.5. Review the New Quiz Results
This quiz was set to show correct answers immediately. If faculty don't want students to see correct answers after taking the new quiz, faculty should select Restrict student result view and keep all options beneath this settings de-selected in the Settings panel of the New Quiz.
To learn more about editing new quizzes in Canvas, watch the video and read the article section called Editing a New Quiz.
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