This article is for Faculty who would like to add a Canvas Rubric to a Canvas Quiz.
Learn how to create a Canvas Rubric in the introductory article: Creating and Using Rubrics in Canvas.
1. Adding a Rubric to a Classic Quiz as a Reference
Canvas allows a single rubric to be added to evaluate an classic entire quiz. Rubrics cannot be added to individual quiz questions.
1.1. Selecting a Rubric for a Classic Quiz
Students will not see the rubric when they access the quiz, so consider embedding a PDF or Doc with the rubric in the quiz's instructions area. It will become viewable to students after they take the quiz.
A single rubric can be added to a classic quiz. To add a rubric to a classic quiz, go to Quizzes and select the quiz to which you would like to add a rubric.
Select the three-dot kebab menu and choose Show Rubric.
Select Add Rubric.
Choose Find a Rubric.

Select a rubric.
Scroll down and make sure the correct rubric is selected on the right. Then select Use This Rubric.

Close the selected rubric.
Check to make sure that the rubric value (for example 3 points) matches the question value before making the quiz available to students.

1.2. View a Rubric While Grading a Classic Quiz
After students have taken the quiz, view their responses by going to Grades by selecting the link in the course navigation menu.

Select the three-dot kebab menu for the quiz and then choose Speedgrader.

Speedgrader will display (1) the question, (2) response, and (3) points on the left side of the page. To use the rubric as a reference, select (4) View Rubric on the right side of the page.
It is possible to give a rating to each criterion, but these points will not sync with the gradebook.
Assign points for each question in the question area on the left side of the page. Select Update Scores.
Unlike any points entered in the rubric, the scores entered on the left side of the page (see the image above) will sync with the gradebook once you have selected the Update Scores button.

If a classic quiz has multiple questions, consider attaching the rubric as a grading reference and using the points and comments area to clarify how each question was graded.
2. Adding a Rubric to a New Quiz
Unlike with classic quizzes, it is possible to calculate the score for an entire new quiz using a single rubric.
2.1. Adding a Rubric to a New Quiz
Students will not see the rubric when they access the quiz, so consider embedding a PDF or Doc with the rubric in the quiz's instructions area. It will become viewable to students after they take the quiz.
To add a rubric for grading to a new quiz, go to the Quizzes page.

Select the link for a new quiz you would like to add a rubric to. In this example, the new quiz has one essay question and no other questions.

Scroll down past the assignment dates. Select + Rubric.

On the right side of the page, select Find a Rubric. Alternatively, you can create a new rubric following the steps in the article Creating and Using Rubrics in Canvas.
In the Find Existing Rubric window, choose your course and a rubric. Then select Use This Rubric.
The attached rubric will now appear below the assignment dates. By default, points entered in a rubric's points column will not sync with the gradebook. Learn how to use a rubric to grade a new quiz in Section 2.2. Learn how to use a rubric as a reference only in Section 2.3.
Be sure that the quiz's total points, question points total, and rubric total all match up to avoid grading confusion.
2.2. Using a Rubric to Grade a New Quiz
Students will not see the rubric when they access the quiz, so consider embedding a PDF or Doc with the rubric in the quiz's instructions area. It will become viewable to students after they take the quiz.
To use the rubric for grading, select the edit pencil.
A set of checkboxes will appear below the rubric. Check Use this rubric for assignment grading and then select Update Rubric.

Points entered for a rubric used for assignment grading can overwrite points assigned by question. The gradebook will sync with whichever action (updating points or saving rubric ratings) was done most recently. If you have a quiz with a large number of questions that will be autograded, consider putting the autograded questions into one quiz and the rubric graded question(s) in a separate quiz to avoid grading errors.
After students have submitted their quizzes, go to Grades from the course navigation menu.

Select the three-dot kebab menu for the quiz's column and choose Speedgrader.

Drag the divider to increase the area for the right side of the screen and then select View Rubric.
Choose ratings for each criterion by either selecting a rating cell or entering points on the right. Then select Save.
Because the rubric was set to be used for grading, the score will appear in the Assessment box. This score will also sync with the gradebook.

In the above example, one matrix-style rubric was used to grade one essay question. To use a rubric when assigning points to a new quiz with multiple questions, consider either only using the rubric as a reference, shown in Section 2.3 or create a rubric that has a criterion row for each question. A multi-question rubric is shown below:
When grading a quiz that uses a multi-question rubric, be sure to either assign points on the left or enter points on the rubric. In the example below, the rubric rather than the question points area is used for grading. A value for each criterion (and in this case, question) is assigned in the rubric on the right even for Question 3, which was autograded, on the left.
Select Save so that the rubric total will sync with the grade in the gradebook.

2.3. Using a Rubric as a Reference for a New Quiz
A less complex approach to grading a new quiz with multiple questions is to only use a rubric as a reference and calculate the score for a quiz by assigning points to each question; a question's comment area can be used to clarify scoring choices.
Follow the steps in Section 2.1 to add a rubric to a new quiz. By default, the grading option is unchecked, so the rubric will not sync with the gradebook column for the quiz. Once students have taken the quiz, select Grades from the course navigation menu.

Find the column for your quiz, select the three-dot kebab menu, and then choose Speedgrader.

In this example, the rubric was not set to be used for grading. To use a rubric as a reference, drag the page divider left and then select View Rubric.
(1) Score each question. (2) Consider referencing your rubric criteria categories in the comments area to clarify your grading decisions. Do not use the rubric on the right; it functions for the whole quiz rather than an individual question and, in this example, does not sync with the gradebook.
Finish scoring questions and select Update. This will update the final score for the quiz.

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