This article is for faculty reviewing their Student Evaluation response rates and reports (how many students have responded to the course evaluation survey).
Anonymized results of student evaluations will be released to faculty and department inboxes after grades for the semester are due.
Article Overview
1. Open MyCompass
Sign in to MyCompass using your NetID and password.
Prior semesters can be expanded to view response rates and reports.
The VIEW REPORT button will not appear until 2-3 weeks after grades for the semester are due.
2. View an Evaluation Report
Within 30 days after grades are due for the semester, the VIEW REPORT button will begin to appear. Clicking on it will take instructors to a page to view their evaluation results and download the file as a PDF.
3. Download a Report as a PDF
The top of an evaluation's report page will contain information such as the instructor, term, and course ID of the evaluation. On the top left is a Download Report button that will download a PDF file of the report to your computer.

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