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Emeritus Faculty Recommendation Form Tutorial

Updated on

1. Go to Adobesign and select "start from library"  

2. Choose "Workflows" and search the word "emeritus." Select the "Emeritus Faculty Recommendation Form" and then start your workflow. 

3. Add your College Office Admin's email, Chair's email, Dean's email, and update the document title to include your first and last name. Select "send" 

4. The document will process and And Adobesign will reload; the below will be available to fill in after that process/reload. Fill in your section and submit. The document will then be forwarded to your Chair, Dean, and the Provost and President, with OAA accepting as the final step. Once all steps have been signed and completed, all parties will receive a copy of the final agreement. 

5. Please contact Faculty Affairs ([email protected]) with any questions. 


Don't forget to apply for your Emeriti Bay Card here.  


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