This article is for Students who would like to calculate What - if scores in their Grades areas in Canvas courses. Canvas allows students to test how different scores on assignments affect your total grade in a course. This is beneficial for students who have fallen behind in a course, missed turning in several assignments and projects and need to work with course instructors to come to an agreement on a plan of action for passing their course. *All screenshots provided below are of test students and do not reflect the work of any actual enrolled students at CSUEB.
Article Overview
1. Select Grades from inside one of your Canvas courses

2. Review your Course Grades area
See the (1) Community Improvement assignment in red below. Note the (2) Total percentage and letter grade in the upper right corner. (3) Read the What -if explanation in the bottom right corner.
In the case of (2) Total percentage and letter grade, some instructors opt not to allow students to view course letter grades or total percentages until the term is close to ending. If this is your situation, and you do not see a total percentage or letter grade in the upper right corner, we recommend you calculate all your points earned in the course, refer to your instructor's syllabus for total points in the course and reach out to your instructor to schedule an office hour meeting to discuss your grades.
3. Test Alternate Assignment Scores on Your Total Grade
Click into the score of an Assignment you want to test a different score for. In this instance, the student did not submit the assignment and received 0/100 points.

Enter an alternate score.

Select enter to test how this 100/100 alternate score affects your total grade in the upper right hand corner.
Try testing how other alternate scores for assignments you missed or scored low on affect your total grade. Note that What if scores are not actual scores and you must work closely with your course instructor to devise a plan of action for you to pass their class.
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